Sponsored ads on this website are short descriptions which contain a link-able title and website address. They are displayed with a green "Ad" icon when they appear in search engine results and without the icon.
Your ad will show next to our search results on the web, mobile phones and on any type of search web, images, videos, etc... When users type a keyword that matches words related to your site, or matches any word in your title, description or URL. Ads are ranked on relevance and there are only a few ads for each search.
No. Any one can advertise with us, with text, web page, facebook page... any thing you want to promot.
Immediately after payment recieved.
Start by writing us from the form bellow, To discuss your campaign. Then we will get back to you with pricing quote.
Next, choose the search terms that will make your ad show in the Our search results.
Finally, your ad is ready to go live. They search, see your listing, click on your ad and go to your website or call you directly. Best of all, you pay less than what you get.